【迎新納福】華人新年佈道晚會 Chinese New Year Celebration
日期:2月8日(星期六)主題:迎新納福 誠邀您與家人一同來教會共度佳節!歡迎攜帶一兩道佳餚與大家分享(請註明是否含有花生或其他堅果類)。 活動流程(全程以中文進行): 全程以中文進行,期待與您共度美好佳節! Date: February 8th (Saturday)Theme: Blessed New Year Join us at church with your family to celebrate this festive occasion together! Let’s share the joy of reunion and blessings. Feel free to bring one or two dishes to share (please label if your dish contains nuts). Event...
2025 世界循道衛理宗第11屆崇拜禮儀與聖樂研習會
主題:建構充滿活力的崇拜-超越傳統與現代崇拜的鴻溝。自現代崇拜席捲教會以來,無論是傳統宗派教會或是新興教會,紛紛受其影響;將教會⼀分為二,我們必須基於崇拜的神學,並對現代的處境作回應,來超越傳統與現代崇拜的鴻溝。 講員:龐君華牧師與張振忠榮譽會督 時間:6 月10 至12 日 地點: 衛理公會天恩堂(台灣新北市永和區信義路23號) 報名截止日期2 月26 日 報名上課詳情請參考附件: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w6OtQFLOX512F_846xGHux7ACVLLzuF2/view 報名表格:https://www.beclass.com/showregist.php?regist_id=Mjk0ZGFkYjY3MzZlZGJlY2M5ODM6U2hvd0Zvcm0=
35th Anniversary Magazine 35週年紀念刊 (2024)
The magazine is 20MB, so it may take a moment to load. For best viewing experience, switch to full screen.文件大小為 20MB,可能需要一些時間加載。為了最佳的瀏覽體驗,請切換至全螢幕模式。
2025 LAMM Courses 真道事奉與宣教學院課程
01. & 03. will be conducted in English, 02. & 04. will be conducted in Chinese. 01、03 以英文授課。02、04 以中文授課。Form: https://forms.gle/U4FKuQSJdmFu1hZM6 01 Methodist Studies 衛理宗研讀
Building Extension Project 擴建計劃
What This Project Will Bring: Six New Classrooms: For our growing Sunday School and various fellowship/bible study groups. New Amenities: Modern facilities for everyone’s comfort. Upgraded AV System: Enhancing our worship experience. Kitchen Upgrade: A better kitchen for our community events. Service Upgrades: Improved electric supply, stormwater systems, fire safety,...
EMP Kids News
Discover the fun and learning happening in our Children’s Sunday School through our monthly newsletter! Kids, join us for exciting activities, inspiring stories, and great fellowship.
Our Vision 我們的使命
Eight Mile Plains Methodist Church (EMP MC) is a part of Chinese Methodist Church in Australia Annual Conference. We trust that you will be blessed through our church’s soulful praise and worship, Bible based teaching, and warm congregation. We are a family-based church, providing various activities in Mandarin and English,...
Church Membership Class 入会班
For anyone who would like to be our church member, please contact our pastors and register for the church membership class. 如果您有意愿成为我们的会友,请向牧者询问,及报名参加入会班。
Children and Adult Baptism Class 孩童及成人洗礼班
If anyone who would like to be baptized or parents who would like their children to be baptized, please speak with our pastors. 有意參加洗禮班或者要爲孩子洗禮的父母,請向牧師報名。
English Sunday Service: 9am
华语主日崇拜: 早上9點
Latest church events
Children Sunday School
Words from our Minister
The Church is God’s household, which is also the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. (1 Tim 3: 15 NIV)
Thank God for giving us a big spiritual family. In this family, we become a family because of the Lord Jesus. Our identities and our roles all carry the great commission given to us by the Lord. That is to love God and others, and live a godly and victorious life to glorify his name. The growth of each of us directly affects the growth of a church. Let us grow together diligently in the truth of the Lord, support each other in love, and build up the body of Christ.
We pray that in the care and nurturing of our heavenly Father, we will have a deeper understanding of his love, willing to share his grace, and experience the power of his gospel together. Follow Him closely on the spiritual path, serve with one heart, to be the fisher of men for the Lord, and become a good testimony of the gospel.
As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! (Rom 10:15)
May the Lord bless you!
Rev Gloria Ling牧者的话
感谢神赐给我们一个属灵大家庭。在这家庭里,因着主耶稣我们成为一家人。我们的身份,我们的角色都带着主给我们的大使命。那就是要爱神爱人,过敬虔得胜的 生活来荣耀祂的名。我们每一个人的成长直接影响了一个教会的成长,让我们同心竭力在主的真道上长进,在爱中彼此扶持,建立基督的身体。