Our Pastors 我們的牧者

Minister In-Charge: Rev. Gloria Ling

Rev Gloria Ling is the Minister in Charge of the Chinese Methodist Church at Eight Mile Plains. She has returned to the pastoral role at EMP MC after 12 years, during which she went to the USA to further her studies and later, she served in other Chinese Methodist churches in Brisbane, Wollongong, Sydney and Adelaide.

She is grateful to the Lord for guiding her throughout her journey of ministry. She views the Lord as her Perfect Shepherd, Wonderful Savior, and Returning King. He has provided her with remarkable opportunities, allowing her to experience divine appointments in all aspects of ministry and life.

She considers it an honor and a privilege to serve God by serving His people in His Church, which she calls home. She happily invites everyone to join her on this journey of life, accompanied by God’s richest blessings at EMP Methodist Family. Shalom!


林文光牧師是衛理公會福恩堂的主理牧師。她曾經在福恩堂服事。後來,她前往美國洛杉磯深造,先後在布里斯班、臥龍崗、雪梨和阿德萊德衛理教會服事。 12 年後,她又回到這裡,真是感念主無微不至的恩領,回到她所愛的家。



Local Deacon: Rev. David Chiang

Rev. David is an Australian Chinese who is fluent in both Chinese and English. He immigrated from Taiwan to Australia and settled in Brisbane with his family many years ago.

With rich life experience, he holds a master’s degree in chemical engineering from New Zealand and a bachelor’s degree in theology from Brisbane. Additionally, he has established a company in Taiwan and run an importing business in Australia.

He has served as the chairman of the co-worker committee at Bread of Life Church in Brisbane and currently serves as the assistant local deacon here. He enjoys family life with his daughter and son, and prefers quiet activities such as reading and praying. His leisure activities include photography, painting, fishing, and traveling. Regardless of age or occupation, he hopes to be everyone’s friend.

His wish is for God to fill us with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit provides, so that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.



他有著豐富的人生閱歷,擁有神學學士和化學工程碩士學位。曾經在台灣設立公司, 以及在澳洲經營進口商的經驗。

他曾在布理斯本靈糧堂擔任同工會主席和福恩堂曾任職本處傳道。他熱愛家庭生活,育有一女一子,喜愛安靜, 閱讀和禱告,休間活動有攝影, 繪畫,釣魚和旅遊。無論您年長還是年輕, 無論您在職還是退休,他希望成為您的好朋友。


Assistant Pastor: Ps. Clarence Kho

Pastor Clarence Kho is a third-generation Malaysian Chinese who grew up in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. At the age of 15, he accepted Jesus Christ to be his personal saviour.

He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology and has worked in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia. His specialty was in Food R&D (Research and Development) and QA (Quality Assurance).

He and his wife, Elaine Tang, have three boys. Under God’s grace and His providence, they have settled well in Australia. During this period, he also received a Master of Divinity from the Brisbane School of Theology.

He is proficient in both English and Chinese and can also communicate freely in Foo Chow, Teo Chew, Cantonese, and Hokkien. He loves sports and likes to play badminton, table tennis, chess, and other sports.

He is passionate about his faith, and his ultimate goal is to bring people to Christ.







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