We Support 我們支持

Methodist Medical & Mission (MM&M) is a not-for-profit organisation that provide primary medical care and social care to those who are in less-privileged countries. Our mission is to go and reach out, with love to the marginalised communities through short-term medical trips and to carry out social care through educational & children programs, women program and humanitarian aids.

Cambodia Student Aid project coordinated by MM&M. We have 5 students on the list that our EMP MC can support, sponsor their education for 1 year. Please see the E-poster for the details of these needy students. Please earmark your donations “CSS”.

衛理公會醫療與宣教機構 (MM&M) 協助的柬埔寨學生援助項目。福恩堂資助 5 名學生,資助他們一年的教育經費。請參閱附件的電子海報了解這些貧困學生的詳細信息。請將您的捐款標記為“CSS”。

Mission in Sri Lanka: We are raising funds to continue our support for the Mayflower Community Centre in Sri Lanka, under the care of our MM&M not-for-profit organization. Please donate $5, $10, $15 or more towards the fund to bring nutritious food for the children and women and also providing decent education and leadership training support for children and youth in Sri Lanka. If you would like a tax-deductible receipt, please write/reference your name, mobile number/email so that MM&M can send you the receipt. Our target is $2000. (Donation link: https://cmca-mmm.org.au/donations/donate)

斯里蘭卡宣教:請支持宣教組受難節/復活節的呼籲。繼續為斯里蘭卡五月花社區中心募款。該基金捐款為 5 元、10 元、15 元或更多,目的是為斯里蘭卡的兒童和婦女提供營養食品,並且支持兒童和青少年教育和領導力培訓。如果您需要免稅收據,請註明您的姓名、手機號碼/電子郵件,以便 MM&M 將收據寄給您。我們的目標是 2000 元。(捐款链接: https://cmca-mmm.org.au/donations/donate)

Fishers of Men is an inter-denominational Christian charity ministering without distinction to those who are homeless, at threat of homelessness, or poor or needy.

Christian Social Concerns Good Friday/Easter Appeal: We are collecting non-perishable food and toiletries items, in support of Fishers of Men based in Rochedale, Brisbane for distribution before Good Friday.

基督教社會關懷:請支持基督教社會關懷受難節/復活節的呼籲。我們再次募集不易腐爛的食物和日常用品,以支持位於Rochedale 的得人如魚機構。請在接下來的主日將這些物品帶來教會,以便在受難日之前分發給需要的人。

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